I don't know when I will get my CV back from the manufacturer - its a week today that it was shipped. Today we were all sewing on quilt squares for each of our own quilt. We cut them out one day, the next two Tuesdays we sewed them up assembly style, it was such fun. and she was making money aprons, so my sister and I helped her make 25 of them. One lady and her family have a food booth at the Jass Fest in N.O. I have a few ladies who meet at my house on Tuesdays to sew together, its lots of fun, we teach each other and help each other. Our insurance took care of our loss, thank God, and we had no flooding. We also lost a freezer full of cook food, and lots of seafood, meats, etc. We did get hit with Katrina in 2005 - had to have our roof replaced, we lost a huge oak tree in our back yard, luckly it fell the opposite way from our home, but mashed our neighbor's shop. My daughter's name is Carla, she lives in Minnesota, I'm from Louisiana 25 miles west of New Orleans. I didn't want to ruin good fabric/special threads. Of course, I haven't done any embroidery since the end of May because of the trouble with my CV. On the embroidery, I was used to using templates also, but the little I did with my CV, I found out you just have to mark the center you want and center it on the hoop. After the storm, Katrina, I made curtains for the Jewish church for a friend of mine - they were very simple but much appreciated because they had lost their church and everything in it with the storm. I have always done a lot of sewing - clothes for myself and my children, pjs for my children and grandkids, bags, purses, quillows, quilts, Christmas stockings, decorating dish towels and towels. I also have a Pfaff Grand Quilter, just the machine, no place for a quilting frame in my house. After buying the CV, I sold my Elna CE20 and I am so sorry that I did. I used a quilting foot to make up for the IDT and did fine with that. I loved it very much, but missed the IDT of the Pfaff. My 2nd favorite was my Elna CE20 Envision which embroideried using a card. I brought it back home and took it to my dealer and he fixed it - that's what I'm sewing on now while my CV is in the hospital. I've had several machines through the years - my favorite 2 were the Pfaff 1471, 30 years old, I sewed on it for 20 years then gave it to my daughter.